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Marselisborg Havn
Typ przystani przystań jachtowa
Państwo Dania
Miasto Marselisborg
Adres Marselis Havn Marselisborg Havnevej 36 8000 Århus C
Kontakt Tel.: 86 19 86 444
Strona www
Wyposażenie przystani:
  • Wodna stacja benzynowa
  • Prysznic
  • Toalety
  • Prąd na kei
  • Woda na kei
Wyświetleń przystani: 1635

Informacje o przystani

Approach from S:
The marina is situated due SW of Århus Østhavn. From the S, steer towards the cathedral.
Approach from E:
Set a course towards the distinctive high-rise buildings right behind the marina. The harbour entrance can be found by following the coal pier (the E breakwater) towards the SW or by heading for the tower at the marina. The marina can be approached by day or by night. The end of the eastern pier is marked by a green light. Mooring is at pontoons with Y-shaped berth separators or at berths with stern posts.

Marselisborg Marina was opened in 1991. The buildings at the marina are well known for their architecture. The objective was to create a “coastal town”, one with an intimate and friendly atmosphere and where all activities centre around the sea. The marina has become the meeting point for a number of clubs involved in water sports activities such as, for example, Århus Water-skiing Club and three schools of navigation. Visiting sailors are welcome to participate in the activities taking place at the harbour.

Because of the lively atmosphere and the many restaurants, the marina has become popular with the people of Århus.

Informacje o mieście i okolicy

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Ciekawostki i inne informacje

Do korzystania z toalet i poboru energii elektrycznej podobnie jak w Stralsundzie potrzebne jest wykupienie kart magnetycznych (tally Card w biurze portu lub automacie).

Opłaty portowe:
do 10 metrów DKK 130,-
od 10 do12 metrów DKK 140,-
od 12 do 15 metrów DKK 165,-
od 15 do 18 metrów - DKK 230,-
Więcej niż 18 metrów - DKK 460,-

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